Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Herbalism - Deepholm

    For the second of my posts on Cataclysm herbalism, we will be embarking on a journey into the depths of…Deepholm. There are two types of flowers to pick in this cavern – Heartblossom and Cinderbloom, and you will find them scattered everywhere in the zone. Much like Hyjal, there is no need to stick closely to a specific path, but the map above will give you a general idea of how to farm this zone. Generally, the outer “ring” is the most herb-filled, and the Crimson Expanse and Pale Roost tend to be filled with herbs. The center is the only place to avoid, as it generally has fewer herbs than the outer layers. You will find a gap in herbs as well in the Northern tip of Deepholm, at the cave below Therazane’s Throne.
    You can start farming in Deepholm at 475, although you must be at least level 82 to access the zone. Generally there is a decent amount of competition from other herbalists, yet there are usually enough herb spawns that this is negated. It is worth noting that this is the only zone containing Heartblossom nodes. Especially if your character has mining as well as herbalism, Deepholm can be an extremely profitable region to farm. Next up, Uldum!

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